Sunday, January 13, 2008

Khoodeelaar! ‘no to crossrail hole’ bill, action archive 7 May 2007 - focus on the failures of ‘GLA” time-server john Biggs to tell the truth on ..

How John Biggs, the GLA man allegedly representing the East End of London, failed to tell the truth on the GLA about the Crossrail hole plot.

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scheme scam project Bill __

AADHIKARonline 10th Edition 2200 Hrs GMT London Bank holiday Monday 7 May 2007 __

By Muhammad Haque_2150 Hrs GMT London Monday 7 May 2007__

How John Biggs, the GLA man allegedly representing the East End of London, failed to tell the truth on the GLA about the Crossrail hole plot. in one of the many acts of deception that Biggs engages in to keep his career and show the main CrossRail hole plot tout, Undone Mayor Ken Livingstone, is to say as little about Crossrail as possible.__This has been the case throughout the past 40 months that the Khoodeelaar! [the currently active shape of the Movement in defence f the East End of London that was established thirty years or so ago] has existed against the CrossRail assault on the East End.__To get a measure of why a movement as represented by Khoodeelaar! has had to be established and has had to exist to defend the community against Big Business set agenda being pursued by the controllers of decision making machinery of the entire Blaired British state, it is necessary to take a look at what Biggs does when he apparently feigns to report to his alleged ‘constituents’.__The fact of John Biggs record of conduct is that he does not really believe that there is a constituency in essence in the East End of London in whose name he enjoys the perks of his career as a GLA man if to believe in the existence of a constituency is to submit himself to scrutiny by that constituency.__As with everything Blairing and Blaired, the Blaired party – in fact the former Labour Party – in the East London borough of Tower Hamlets which is where John Biggs is actually resident – has no system of accountability even within its own ranks. The only audit, the only accounts that they know and recognise are those that keep the squaddies in place as Blaired cronies, lackeys and time-servers. There to deceive and disrespect the people.__That is why there is no evidence that over the past 40 months of the existence of the Khoodeelaar! Movement against Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London, there has been any occasion when John Biggs has been caused to submit himself to giving a full written and comprehensive account as to what his role has been in the Crossrail hole plot against the very community in whose name he makes, renews and keeps his personal career.__All the Crossrail hole plot touts now included in the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets council are de facto mates and pals of John Biggs.__Some of those are or have been his rivals, such as has been witnessed over the past 3 months when Biggs tried to get selected as the Blair party nominee [‘prospective parliamentary candidate’ for ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’] to revive the spectre of Oona King [they have devised another ploy to do that – I shall examine it and say more on that ploy in a later commentary, here in the week staring on Tuesday 8 May 2007] .__

But that rivalry is not real. That is a rivalry between mates. They are on the same side. Against the community. Against the people. Against what sued to be the core of the main support among ordinary East Enders.__That is why Biggs has been back in business following his being rejected in favour of a more stark Oona King proposal.__To see just how comfortably Biggs is with his ‘rivals’, let’s take a look at the total number of words that was recorded in one alleged minutes in 2004 of the former Labour Party now totally Blaired.__“6. London Assembly Report_6.1. John Biggs thanked all those who had worked for his campaign_6.2 Provided a verbal update on Crossrail and housing.”__[To be continued]__